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View the latest post New member and New owner

Hello everyone,
I have inherited a boat that I used to use frequently as it was owned by my father who gave it to me. The boat was last used in 2021. The last time it was used it started taking on water. I took it to a shop and they said the transom assembly needed to be replaced. I would like to make the repairs myself as the quote for the repair came back to just under $8,000.00. How do i go abouts sourcing out a new/used transom assembly and any information on how involved the job would be? When I took it to the shop they had removed the outdrive and left it out. Any tips and information is appreciated. The boat is a 2000 Welcraft 22' walkaround I/O Volvo Penta

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View the latest post stern drive volvo penta

just bought a 2002 30' martinique , does anyone know what gear ratio the volvo drives would be? i have 2 350 fuel inj. motors. my starboard drive just dumped all its gears and shafts and props out and i have an empty shell left. need to buy new or used lower but dont know what gear ratio to look for, their duoprops.

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View the latest post Trim Tab rocker switches

I have 2002 Wellcraft Martinique and for my Bennett trim tabs the rocker switches are 8 pin I can only find 7 pin switches any suggestions.

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View the latest post Leaking sink tap on well craft excel 26se

Hi, does anyone know if there is a refurb kit for a leaking sink tap?

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View the latest post Leaking Kitchen Sink Tap

Hi, Does anyone know if you can buy a new gasket kit for a leaking sink tap for a Wellcraft Excel 26? Darren

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View the latest post Installing new rode and anchor chain in a Martinique 2600

Trying to install a new 1/2 rode and 1/4 chain into my Martinique never done this before can anyone tell me how its done?

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View the latest post Two floor wells on Wellcraft walk-around fishing boat

Wellcraft walk-around fishing boat has two floor I'm not familiar with. I imagine they are for fish, and pack ice around them? There is one small drain hole and one larger hole off to the side??
Thank you for any information.

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View the latest post Need help on 1997 Wellcraft 26se

I seem to have lost power to all my gauges , navigation lights, bilge pumps and front light . Checked all fuses under dash , engine will turn over, also checked engine breakers. Is there any other fuses or circuit breakers that it could be ? Any ideas or thought would really be appreciated

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View the latest post Wellcraft Sportsman 220 - Possible purchase

I'm looking at a Sportsman 220 and I don't have many concerns, BUT... there is notiecable "flex" when I step on any of the floor hatches on this boat. Is this "normal" for these? Can any provide any information on the material & construction of these? Hinges appear solidly mounted to the hatch and floor. Everything else appear rock solid.


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View the latest post New Wanna-Be Member

Hi, everyone, I'm Jason. Currently splitting time between MI and FL. I'm here to find information on Wellcraft in general and specifically I'm considering purchasing a 2005 Sportsman 220. I'll be in the other forums posting my specific questions. But if you've got a similar Wellcraft from the early-mid 2000's please say hi.


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    It's time to kick back with a cool one at the Sand Bar and talk about something else for a while! This forum is for all non-boating related discussions. NO POLITICS! The general forum rules apply, so don't co crazy :-)
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