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View the latest post Attachment(s) St Tropez plastic door track and cars

I am looking for the plastic sliding door track and cars for a 1987 St Tropez.

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View the latest post 2012 290 Coastal Baitwell problems

the baitwell on my 290 is running slow. i cranked up the pressure on the pump and the flow improved but still only flowing outt of the bottom fins. question is is water supposed to be flowing out of all the fins pr just the bottom?

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View the latest post new member with repowering question

after 21 years and 1500+ hrs my 225 Yamaha is dead. I am looking to repower my 240 Coastal with Suzuki and wanted opinions on 200 hp vs 250 hp. Is 200 hp enough? probably better than my yamaha over the last couple of years - certainly better than it is now. I'd like to avoid the extra 4 grand if possible. thanks in advance

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View the latest post 3700 Martinique rear convertible bench / bed support

Looking for parts or even just information and / or pictures of the slider support for the rear bench seat that converts to a bed.
Some previous owner took it apart, must have lost or tossed the sliding support mechanism for this seat. also known as aft cabin and sits above the a/c pump and shower sump pump.

Would greatly appreciate if someone has an extra part they'd like to sell, know where I can get one or even a picture of what this thing looks like.

Thank you.

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View the latest post New Joiner Monte Carlo 28 1991

Hi all

UK joiner here who has recently bought a Monte Carlo 28 with twin 4.3 MPI mercruiers on Alpha 1 gen 2. I look forward to understanding more about my boat. Mike

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View the latest post Excalibur owners

Any active Excalibur owners on this site? I've had mine since April 2023, and am looking for maintenance tips and recommendations. I live on Lake St Clair, and there is a good mix of 38, 45 and 47 models around.

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View the latest post 2004 18’ fisherman with 90 hp Yamaha - horribly underpowered ? What would be top speed

Looking at an 04 18’ fisherman with a 90 hp Yamaha - is Hp enough to run it on plane ? I’m wanting to go 35mph, run at 25-28 mph

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View the latest post New to the form and to Wellcraft

I am new to the form and new to a new to me 2007 Wellcraft Coastal 290. I have spent a couple of days going through everything and making a small list of things I want and or need to replace. My problem is finding a site that has parts to the specific boat. I have not had time to fully look into your site as the answer may be here, but does anyone have a go to place to find OEM and or aftermarket parts? Replacement LED Lights, Air Pistons, Deck gas tank cover, plates for the switches, ext.

Thanks in advance.

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View the latest post Excell 26 SE coclpit carpets

From the 26SE 2 pieces of cockpit carpets $75 Image

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View the latest post 2002 Wellcraft walk-around question

I have the 2002 Wellcraft walk-around fishing boat, 22 foot.
There is the flow jet water pump which fills either the live well behind captain seat or a wash down hose.
There are two floor wells with small drain hole in the bottom and a larger side hole , what are the wells for? Side hole for drainage also? I imagine you could store fish in them? There's no fill hose that I can see?
Thanks for any information ℹ️

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  • The Sand Bar
    It's time to kick back with a cool one at the Sand Bar and talk about something else for a while! This forum is for all non-boating related discussions. NO POLITICS! The general forum rules apply, so don't co crazy :-)
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